C++ Quick Start

The monoDrive C++ Client is Open Source Software for connecting to and configuring the monoDrive Simulator and Scenario Editor. To get started, contact support@monodrive.io to get access to the monoDrive Client repository, then clone the repository.


The monoDrive C++ Client is cross-platform and tested on both Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04.


Windows Prerequisites

Windows Library Dependencies

NOTE: Extract or install these libraries to C:\local so cmake can find them.

  • Boost
  • Add C:\local\boost_1_73_0\lib64-msvc-14.2 to your PATH variable
  • Create the BOOST_ROOT environment variable and set it to C:\local\boost_1_73_0\
  • CMake
    • When installing, make sure to choose the option to CMake to your Windows Path variable.

To build the examples the following are required:

  • OpenCV Extract to C:\local\opencv and add C:\local\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin to your PATH environment variable.

  • Eigen Extract to C:\local\Eigen3 and add C:\local\Eigen3 to your PATH environment variable.

    • NOTE: You will need to move the extracted contents out of the version subfolder (eg .\eigen-3.3.7\) into the parent directory, such that C:\local\Eigen3\Eigen is a valid directory path.

Environment Variables


Ubuntu 18.04 Prerequisites

  • Ubuntu 18.04
    • Run the prerequisite setup script from the root repository directory. This will install all dependencies and also build a newer version of Boost:
$ ./util/setup.sh

Ubuntu 20.04 Prerequisites

  • Ubuntu 20.04
    • Install packages:
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev build-essential libeigen3-dev

Installation with Bazel

You can include the monoDrive Simulator client in your existing Bazel project by adding the following lines to your WORKSPACE file

    name = "monodrive",
    path = "path/to/monodrive-client"

and the following to your BUILD files as needed

    name = "my_lib",
    srcs = [...],
    hdrs = [...],
    deps = [

Installation to system for Bazel & Ubuntu

You can build and install the monoDrive Simulator client to your Ubuntu system using CMake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

This will install the client library under the prefix /usr/local/monodrive/client. It can now be included or linked as needed.

For example, to compile your own executable with the monoDrive client library

g++ main.cpp -I/usr/local/monodrive/client/include/ -L/usr/local/monodrive/client/lib -lboost_system -lmonodrive -o my_program

Make library available for dynamic loading

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/monodrive/client/lib

Finally run


Setup from Command Line


To configure the CMake project, navigate to the project root, and run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


To build the core libraries and examples, from ./build, run:


cmake --build .




To run an example, navigate back to the project root, and run:





Setup using VSCode


  1. Install and launch VSCode.

  2. Add the following VSCode extensions:

  3. Select File -> Open Folder and navigate to this folder to build the cpp-examples or simulator-cpp-client to build just the client library.

  4. Use the CMake extension to configure and build

    1. Click the Configure All Projects icon:

    1. If prompted to Scan for Kits select Yes.

      Windows: Use Visual Studio Community 2019 Release - amd64.

      Linux: Use the compiler of your choice. Tested with g++ 7.5.0.

    2. Build the client by clicking the Build All Projects icon:

Set Launch Target

NOTE: Launching automatically fires off a build check in cmake so just setting the launch target will suffice.

Run Windows Example

Example configuration with fisheye_camera_equidistant as a build + launch target.

After you've set your build configuration and target, you can run by hitting F5 to run in debug or Ctrl+F5 to run without debugging.

Integration with CMake

You can include the monoDrive Simulator client in your existing CMake project by adding the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt

# add monodrive client library from local repo
add_subdirectory(path/to/monodrive-client/monodrive mdclient)

# link targets as needed
target_link_libraries(<mytarget> monodrive)