
Process radar data cube and run a Matlab script to plot Radar cube data.

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  • Radar Data Cube: Only send if, send_radar_cube is set to true on the Radar configuration. Raw data for a cube of dimensions M (number of array antenna inputs) by L (number of range bins in fast time) by N (number of pulse in CPI in slow time).

NOTE: If the Radar Data Cube is empty (send_radar_cube is set to false) the plot will be empty or won't show.

  • Radar Sample: Radar sample contains information for the targets detected by radar and ground truth information as well.

  • Radar configuration: Radar configuration (JSON)

  • error in (Error Cluster): Accepts error information wired from previously called VIs. This information can be used to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.


  • error out (Error Cluster): Accepts error information wired from previously called VIs. This information can be used to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.