
The monoDrive Simulator and Scenario Editor support a robust Application Programming Interface (API) through a JSON messaging interface. The simulation can be completely controlled by sending and receiving messages through TCP/IP from any application that implements the API.

monoDrive provides several example client applications in C++, Python, and LabVIEW that implement the monoDrive API. For more information on the Open Source monoDrive clients, check out the overview here.

Sending a Message

A message to the monoDrive Simulator consists of a binary header followed by the JSON string containing the message meta-data. The first part of the message contains the header flag:


followed by a 32-bit integer that states the length of the following JSON.

The JSON in the message is dependent on the type of message being sent and must contain the following fields:

  "type": <monoDrive message type>,
  "reference": <unique ID for this message>,
  "message": <JSON of the message>
  • type: A string that describes the type of message being sent.
  • reference: An integer defining the unique ID from this message.
  • message: The actual JSON containing all the additional meta-data for the message type.

Message Types

Used to configure a simulator session. This command includes the settings associated with the simulator session following the execution of the command and applies to all future sessions until the command is run again. The pys_materials settings affect the returns from lidar and radar sensors for the list of known materials in the scene.

The following message types are currently defined for sending messages to the simulator:

Message Type Definition
ClosedLoopConfigCommand_ID Configures the closed loop simulation
ClosedLoopStepCommand_ID Steps the closed loop simulation
EgoControl_ID Control the ego vehicle
GetMap Get the currently loaded map information
GetStartPoints Retrieves the set of starting locations
GetVersion Gets Current version
ImportMap Replaces the current road network
REPLAY_ConfigureSensorsCommand_ID Configure a sensor or set of sensors in a simulator run
REPLAY_ConfigureTrajectoryCommand_ID Configures the simulation trajectory
REPLAY_ReConfigureSensorCommand_ID Reconfigure a sensor or set of sensors in a simulation run
REPLAY_StateStepSimulationCommand_ID Steps the simulation
REPLAY_StepSimulationCommand_ID Steps the simulation
SimulatorConfig_ID Configure the Simulator session
SpawnVehicleCommand_ID Spawns the EGO vehicle
WeatherConfig Configure the current weather in the scenario

Receiving a Message

The monoDrive Simulator will send messages out over the simulator port (default 8999) from either localhost or the IP address of the simulator if running in a networked mode. If a listen_port is specified in the message, (e.g. a sensor that should stream data over a specified port), the message will be sent to the specified port.

Each message will begin with a 12 byte monoDrive header starting with the header flag:


and followed by a 32-bit integer specifying the length of the JSON message.

Each JSON message received from the simulator will contain, at a minimum, the following fields:

  "type": <monoDrive message type>,
  "reference": <unique ID for this message>,
  "message": <JSON of the message>
  • type: A string that describes the type of message being sent. This will be the type specified by the message that elicited this response.
  • reference: An integer defining the unique ID from this message.
  • message: The actual JSON containing all the additional meta-data for the message type.