Data Products

The Real-to-Virtual Pipeline and Data Products

The monoDrive Real-to-Virtual system operates as a pipeline of computer vision and machine learning algorithms in conjunction with several deep learning networks in order to produce the final Unreal Engine assets. Each step in the pipeline outputs a data product that is then used by the next stage of the system. Each of these interim data products play an important role in the process of producing highly accurate simulation assets, but individually they can also be useful to the end-user for tasks like ground-truthing, labeling, and training.

This page goes through the currently available data products from the monoDrive Real-to-Virtual pipeline that is deployed to customers.

monoDrive Binary Data

The binary data that is recorded by the monoDrive Real-to-Virtual Data Logger consists of raw binary streams of data from the GNSS, Camera, and LiDAR systems that are part of the monoDrive Real-to-Virtual hardware. The current data logger saves:

  • Ladybug 5+ Camera Streams - These are .pgr stream files that contain all 6 cameras on the Ladybug Camera that can be played back with the Ladybug SDK
  • Binary LiDAR Data - This is a raw stream of the packets sent from the Velodyne LiDAR. The monoDrive Real-to-Virtual Data Logger provides utility software in utils/ to play this data back so that it can be viewed in Veloview.
  • Configuration Files - These are text files produced by the Data Logger software that contain orientation information for each sensor during parsing
  • Timestamp Files - These contain the timestamps for each data acquisition iteration.

KITTI Formatted Data

After parsing the monoDrive Real-to-Virtual binary data with the monoDrive mapping-toolkit (currently only accessible by Real-to-Virtual customers), the data is formatted into the KITTI format. This format is used by several different benchmarks and algorithms for testing various vehicle perception stacks.


The semantic segmentation of images is the first step in processing data from the monoDrive Real-to-Virtual system. The segmented data in the segmentation folder contains grayscale images where each gray value represents a different class of object. Segmentation is to the pixel level and performed on a frame-by-frame basis and smoothed temporally.

  • The raw folder contains the one shot segmentation processing which yields good results for segmentation where the temporal frequency between images is not consistent.

  • The output directory contains the same segmentation images, but they have been temporally filtered to help carry classifications between consecutive images to improve overall performance.


Vehicle redaction is performed on the original camera data in order to improve performance of various visual odometry algorithms that rely on static objects in a scene for stable optical flow. The redaction folder contains images that leverage the semantic information from the monoDrive segmentation to remove vehicles by blurring them out in the imagery. This data set can help dramatically improve visual odometry algorithms that rely on determining ego motion from a forward facing camera.


monoDrive uses Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) in order to supplement and improve the paths from the Real-to-Virtual hardware's GNSS. The slam directory contains the output paths from the visual odometry when run on the collected camera data. The output of the path is in the TUM format.

Point Cloud Data

The cloud directory will contain all assets associated with processing and fusion of point cloud data using monoDrive's point cloud classification and stitching algorithms.

  • There are several different paths formatted in the TUM format available in .txt files.
  • KML Files that can be loaded into Google Earth for viewing the GNSS paths.



  • A folder containing individual semantically colored point clouds created by fusing the LiDAR and camera image data.



  • A folder containing fully stitched clouds for each semantic label (e.g. road, foliage, etc.)



  • The fully stitched clouds of all the data from the data set

Object Detection

The object detection pipeline process annotates the segmentation images and encodes them with Run-length Encoding (RLE) masks. This is a compact way of representing the objects within an image for training and tracking. The JSON for the object annotations includes:

    "_type": "ObjectAnnotation",
    "class_label": 3,
    "bbox": {
        "_type": "BoundingBox",
        "y": 197.0,
        "x": 95.0,
        "height": 11.0,
        "width": 23.0
    "mask": {
        "_type": "RLEMask",
        "size": [
        "counts": [
    "score": 0.9819106459617615
  • class_label: The label from the segmentation mask for this object
  • bbox: The bounding box in side of the original image
  • mask: THe RLE mask for the object in the image

The labels for the class correlate with the following table:

Classification Label
No Label 0
Car 3
Motorcycle 4
Bus 6
Truck 8
Fence / Guardrail 5
Traffic Light 10
Person 11
Bicycle 12
Building 15
Traffic signs 20
Terrain 80
Foliage 85
Sky 141
Street Light / Pole 153
Road 175
Sidewalk 190


The tracking directory contains all of the tracking information for recognized objects throughout the data run. Tracking consists of identifying objects in the detected objects JSON and predicting the motion between frames. If multiple cameras are used and the proper geometry between cameras is known, then tracking will work across cameras.

The JSON for the output of the tracking algorithms is similar to that of the object detection but correlates the objects temporally. For a given object, the tracking JSON looks like:

        "_type": "TrackedObject",
        "class_label": 3,
        "instance_label": 1006,
        "path": [
                "_type": "Frame",
                "timestamp": 1593178665.992904,
                "index": 0,
                "views": []
                "_type": "Frame",
                "timestamp": 1593178666.093764,
                "index": 1,
                "views": [
                        "_type": "View",
                        "camera": 0,
                        "bbox": {
                            "_type": "BoundingBox",
                            "y": 210.0,
                            "x": 428.0,
                            "height": 9.0,
                            "width": 16.0
                        "mask": {
                            "_type": "RLEMask",
                            "size": [
                            "counts": [
                "_type": "Frame",
                "timestamp": 1593178667.093764,
                "index": 2,

For a single tracked object, the JSON defines:

  • class_label: The label from the segmentation for this type of object
  • instance_label: The unique label for this particular object
  • path: The list of frames that this object appeared in

For a single frame, the JSON defines:

  • timestamp: The UTC timestamp for the time the frame was acquired
  • index: The index into the data set the frame was acquired
  • views: The array defines the frames and RLE Mask in the frame that the object was tracked to
  • camera: The index of the camera the image was taken from
  • bbox: The bounding box within the frame of the object
  • mask: The RLE encoded mask of the object to the pixel level


The mesh data generated by the Real-to-Virtual pipeline includes textured and untextured meshes of the different assets produced by the data processing. The textured meshes that are generated from the stitched point cloud data can be found in the mesh/mesh_parts directory. These have been processed through several meshing algorithms for optimal triangulation for each type of object.

The mesh/tiles directory contains the output from the monoDrive Direct Texture algorithm. Here, each mesh is organized into an individual tile .obj file that has been textured by projecting the imagery directly onto the mesh. When the tiles are combined, the entire data set can be seen as a whole.