ROS Examples

monoDrive ROS Client Examples

The monoDrive C++ Client comes with a simple example to connect the ROS client to a running instance of the monoDrive Simulator or Scenario Editor and automatically steer the ego vehicle for lane keeping. The example can be found in the monodrive-client/cpp-client/ros-examples/ directory.

Building the Example

The example requires catkin_make to build which is available from the ROS distribution setup during installation. To build:

$ cd cpp-client/ros-examples
$ catkin_make

Launching the example

To launch the monoDrive ROS example, open a terminal and create 3 tabs in the cpp-client/ros-examples directory:

  1. In one tab, launch rosbridge:

    $ roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tcp.launch bson_only_mode:=True
  2. To start the vehicle control node:

    $ rosrun vehicle_control node

    Note: The vehicle_control example only requires the monodrive_msgs package and provides an example of how to connect your code to monoDrive through ROS messages.

  3. The next command requires that the monoDrive Simulator is running. To create the simulator node:

    $ rosrun simulator_control node

ROS Sensor Message Types

The following sensor message types are supported:

Sensor ROS Message Type
Camera and Semantic Camera sensor_msgs/Image
IMU sensor_msgs/Imu
Lidar sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
State Sensor monodrive_msgs/StateSensor
Waypoint Sensor monodrive_msgs/WaypointSensor

Example Description

To create a vehicle control message for publishing to the simulator:

// create vehicle controller publisher and sensor subscriber
node_handle = std::make_shared<ros::NodeHandle>(ros::NodeHandle());
vehicle_control_pub = node_handle->advertise<monodrive_msgs::VehicleControl>(
    "/monodrive/vehicle_control", 1);

To subscribe to simulator state sensor messages for vehicle feedback:

state_sensor_sub = node_handle->subscribe(
    "/monodrive/state_sensor", 1, &state_sensor_callback)

The state sensor call back can be as simple as:

void state_sensor_callback(const monodrive_msgs::StateSensor &state_sensor_msg){
    state_data = state_sensor_msg;

This example uses the GeoJSON lanes from the monoDrive Straightaway5k map in order to calculate the distance of the ego vehicle to the current lane. The lanes can be read in as follows:

lanespline = LaneSpline((configPath / "Straightaway5k.json").string());

To issue vehicle control commands for keeping the ego vehicle within its current lane, first grab the vehicle information from the state sensor

void control_vehicle(){
    monodrive_msgs::VehicleState vs;
    for(auto& vehicle : state_data.vehicles){
        if( == "Ego"){
            vs = vehicle;
    Eigen::VectorXd position(3);
    position << vs.odometry.pose.pose.position.x,
    Eigen::Quaternion<double> orientation(

Now compute the vehicle's current distance from the lane and steer the vehicle towards the correct position:

    auto nearestIndex = lanespline.GetNearestPoint("road_0", "lane_2", position);
    auto& lane_points = lanespline.spline_map["road_0"]["lane_2"];
    int nextPointIndex = nearestIndex;
    if(nearestIndex >= lane_points.size()-4){
        nextPointIndex = lane_points.size()-1;
        nextPointIndex += 3;
    Eigen::VectorXd forwardVector(3);
    forwardVector << 1, 0, 0;
    forwardVector = orientation * forwardVector;
    auto nextPoint = lane_points[nextPointIndex];
    Eigen::VectorXd dirToNextPoint = nextPoint - position;

    double angle = -dirToNextPoint.head<3>().cross(forwardVector.head<3>())[2];

Create the new control command to the vehicle and send it:

    monodrive_msgs::VehicleControl msg; = "Ego";
    msg.throttle = 0.75f;
    msg.brake = 0.f;
    msg.steer = angle;
    msg.drive_mode = 1;


The command generated by the above function is send to the simulator in the main loop:
