The monoDrive IMU sensor reports the ego vehicle's acceleration in x, y and z axis, as well as the angular velocity in the same axis. The location and orientation of the sensor can be modified in the "x", "y" and "z" axis with respect to the origin of the ego vehicle.


    "type": "IMU",
    "listen_port": 8500,
    "location": {
        "x": 0.0,
        "y": 0.0,
        "z": 0.0
    "rotation": {
      "pitch": 0.0,
      "roll": 0.0,
      "yaw": 0.0


The total sensor output is 184 bytes, where the first 16 bytes correspond to the monoDrive sensor header and the remaining 168 conform to the IMU data output

Note that the simulator returns acceleration relative to the global coordinate frame and angular velocity relative to the vehicle coordinate frame. Below is a table of each element in the message:

Type Name Units
Vector (Float) Acceleration (x, y, z) cm/s^2
Vector (Float) Angular velocity (x, y, z) radians/s
Vector (Float) Angular acceleration (x, y, z) radians/s^2
Vector (Float) Velocity (x, y, z) cm/s
Vector (Float) Local acceleration (x, y, z) cm/s^2
Vector (Float) Local angular_velocity (x, y, z) radians/s
Vector (Float) Local angular_acceleration (x, y, z) radians/s^2
Vector (Float) Local velocity (x, y, z) cm/s
Vector (Float) Position (x, y, z) cm
Vector (Float) Orientation (x, y, z, w) Quaternion
Vector (Float) Parent position (x, y, z) cm
Vector (Float) Parent orientation (x, y, z, w) Quaternion