
The Viewport sensor allows a client to configure the camera that is displayed in the monoDrive Simulator or Scenario Editor.

To add an additional Viewport, see Multi Viewport


 "type": "ViewportCamera",
 "listen_port": 0,
 "server_ip": "",
 "description": "",
 "use_vehicle_hud": false,
 "location": {
   "x":  -800.0,
   "y": 0.0,
   "z": 400.0
 "rotation": {
   "pitch": -15.0,
   "yaw": 0.0,
   "roll": 0.0
 "fov": 60.0

  • listen_port: Any non-zero value will create a secondary viewport. A value of zero is reserved for the main viewport.
  • use_vehicle_hud: enables the HUD indicators such as speed, gear, etc. to launch any secondary viewport.
  • fov: Sets the horizontal angle of view of the viewport camera.

Configuration Examples

On the left of the image, there are 3 secondary viewport and on the right image there is the main viewport with HUD enable on the monoDrive Editor.