Batch Scenario Manager

monoDrive's Batch Scenario Manager allows for easy batch processing of AV testing jobs. The application provides visuals of customizable configurations for running a scenario. Once all configurations are made, every combination of the properties selected for a scenario will run as a test in the simulator. After tests are done running, users will be able to view the status of the results, and the manager will keep different batches organized for later review.

For a full video demo, see Batch Scenario Dashboard Tutorial.



  1. Inside the downloaded folder for monoDrive Dashboard, double-click or open monodrive.dashboard.exe on Windows or monodrive-dashboard on Linux.

  2. When running for the first time, choose or create a directory to save configuration files and results from the Unit Under Test and the Batch Scenario Manager.

  3. Make configuration selections in the monoDrive Scenario Batch Manager.

  4. Run the Batch by selecting "Deploy and Run" on the Dashboard then confirming or making any needed edits to the simulator.json file.

    • The batch will set a "READY" status for the Unit Under Test to begin once running.
  5. Open the Simulator or Scenario Editor.

  6. Play or run the Simulator in Unreal Engine.

  7. Run a Unit Under Test. In the Unit Under Test Example provided, the user would use the same asset directory as set in the Batch Scenario Manager. For example,

    python --md_assets C:\Users\developer\Documents\BatchExample --md_loop

  8. When the test is finished it will send the status of the test to the Batch Scenario Manager to be saved and viewed in results. See more about viewing results.

Connecting your code

When connecting your code to run as a Unit Under Test (UUT), you will use the jobs module of the monoDrive client. This module handles all of the batch processing mechanics including job assignment, configuration, results storing, etc. It has been designed to allow for flexible execution across development, local batch processing, and cloud deployment.

Entry point

The main entry point is the run_job function. You will call this method as a wrapper around your own main function. Using this wrapper allows for continuous looped processing (when needed) and failure handling.

from import run_job

def main():
    """main uut driver function"""
    # ... your code here ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
    run_job(main, verbose=True)


To retrieve the configuration for the current job assignment, you will call the get_simulator function. Individual config file paths will be parsed from the CLI arguments and pre-loaded into the returned Simulator object.

from import get_simulator

def main():
    """main uut driver function"""
    # ...
    simulator = get_simulator()
    # ...


Finally, at the end of main script, you will create a Result object and store it with the set_result function. These metrics are defined by the user as desired. They will be surfaced to the Batch Scenario Manager results page, but are not required for the batch processing to run properly.

from import set_result, Result, ResultMetric

def main():
    """main uut driver function"""

    # ...

    result = Result()
    result.pass_result = True


For a full working UUT, please check out this collision avoidance use case, written in Python. This directory includes both a replay and closed loop mode example.

(C++ example coming soon)

Configurable Selections

To get started with making configuration selections, follow instructions in running.

Batch Scenario Manager Menu

The Batch Scenario Manager menu shows a summary of all the configurations that have been selected in the configuration selection process: vehicles and sensor configurations, scenario configurations, and weather configurations. On the bottom right corner of the menu, a user may use "Select Configurations" to make and/or edit selections.

Vehicles & Sensors

Users can select multiple vehicle and sensor configurations to run. Select a vehicle configuration from monoDrive's vehicle models or add a custom vehicle as the ego vehicle for the simulation. The custom vehicle requires the directory path to the vehicle asset and enables users to change the color of the vehicle. By default all monoDrive's vehicle models spawn with white paint; if a user would like to customize the color on a monoDrive vehicle asset, select "Add New Vehicle" and use the path to the monoDrive vehicle asset and change it's color.

For each vehicle selected, a user is given an option to create a new sensor configuration through the sensor editor tool.

Sensor Editor

The Sensor editor tool enables the user to import a JSON sensor configuration file or build a sensor configuration by adding and moving sensors on the vehicle model. Users are able to alter the position and location for every sensors. Many sensors offer further alterations depending on the sensor type such as image height, image width, and field of view. The "Import Config or Vehicle" Button enables users to import a vehicle model and also can import a sensor json file for easy uploading. After making all selections, the user needs to "Save Config" in the top left corner to save the configuration.

Unit Under Test (UUT) & Scenarios

In the monoDrive Batch Scenario Manager, users will be able to run and configure a Unit Under Test. The Unit Under Test will be configured for closed loop or replay mode. monoDrive has many pre-built trajectory files to run using the "Straight 5K" Map.

For closed loop mode, the user can add as many scenario JSON files to run in the batch.

For details on writing a Unit Under Test and/or work with examples, see Configuring UUT.


The monoDrive Batch Scenario Manager offers many pre-build weather profiles and an option for customizing a new weather profile. The weather configuration provides customizable changes such as the angle of the sun, the amount of rain on the roads, amount of wind, wind angle, and rain fall in a scene.

Viewing Results

After all selections are made, the Batch Scenario Manager will keep track of all batch runs for viewing past tests, and the Results will show tests that have passed and failed. Inside each individual test, the user can find more detailed information or replay a test for further testing.

Cloud Deployment

The Batch Scenario Manager can be used as a local application on your computer or through a cloud deployment. The local application enables users to view the test running in the Simulator, while the monoDrive Cloud Solution distributes batch processing to handle high volumes of AV testing jobs. The Cloud Solution is handled through a Kubernetes native application with easy deployment to any private or public cloud.

For more information, contact us.