
The state sensor is created during a simulation to output state information for actors with the "desired_tags" and cull out information of actors with the "undesired_tags". All the information for the actor is returned in the global coordinate frame.

This information can be serialized to a monoDrive Trajectory File and played back in Replay Mode.


   "type": "State",
   "listen_port": 8700,
   "rotation": {
      "pitch": 0.0,
      "roll": 0.0,
      "yaw": 0.0
      "location": {
      "x": 0.0,
      "y": 0.0,
      "z": 0.0
   "desired_tags": [
   "undesired_tags": [
   "debug_drawing": false,
   "include_obb": true
  • desired_tags: An array of actor tags to output with the state sensor. Any actor with these tags (and no tags in the undesired_tags array) will be output.
  • undesired_tags: An array of actor tags to exclude from output. Any actor with one of these tags will not be included.
  • debug_drawing: If true, and include_obb is true, the oriented bounding boxes for each actor in the output will be drawn.
  • include_obb: If true, the oriented bounding box information will be included for every actor.

Raw Output

        "frame": {
            "objects": [
                    "name": "Misc_TrafficCone_2",
                    "odometry": {
                        "angular_velocity": {
                            "x": null,
                            "y": 0.0,
                            "z": 0.0
                        "linear_velocity": {
                            "x": 0.0,
                            "y": 0.0,
                            "z": 0.0
                        "pose": {
                            "orientation": {
                                "w": 1.0,
                                "x": 0.0,
                                "y": 0.0,
                                "z": 0.0
                            "position": {
                                "x": 12200.0,
                                "y": 3710.0,
                                "z": 10.0
                    "oriented_bounding_box": [
                            "center": {
                                "x": 12199.9521484375,
                                "y": 3710.02758789062,
                                "z": 37.2839050292969
                            "extents": {
                                "x": 32.3424224853516,
                                "y": 32.3816871643066,
                                "z": 64.438591003418
                            "name": "None",
                            "orientation": {
                                "w": 1.0,
                                "x": 0.0,
                                "y": 0.0,
                                "z": 0.0
                            "scale": {
                                "x": 1.0,
                                "y": 1.0,
                                "z": 1.0
                    "tags": [
            "vehicles": [
                    "control_state": {
                        "lane_change_left": false,
                        "lane_change_right": false,
                        "lane_id": 1,
                        "road_id": 0,
                        "s": 5077.20947265625,
                        "section_id": 0
                    "state": {
                        "name": "compact_monoDrive_01_2",
                        "odometry": {
                            "angular_velocity": {
                                "x": 0.176449194550514,
                                "y": 0.0175474192947149,
                                "z": -0.517025172710419
                            "linear_velocity": {
                                "x": -1072.10705566406,
                                "y": 102.813850402832,
                                "z": -3.0032639503479
                            "pose": {
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": 0.0343129225075245,
                                    "x": -0.000261345121543854,
                                    "y": -0.0231100562959909,
                                    "z": 0.999143958091736
                                "position": {
                                    "x": 8302.064453125,
                                    "y": 4282.83154296875,
                                    "z": 6.68744659423828
                        "oriented_bounding_box": [
                                "center": {
                                    "x": 8301.8271484375,
                                    "y": 4278.1474609375,
                                    "z": 96.9822463989258
                                "extents": {
                                    "x": 180.120330810547,
                                    "y": 141.698760986328,
                                    "z": 415.024993896484
                                "name": "Body",
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": 0.508013129234314,
                                    "x": 0.53005838394165,
                                    "y": 0.467878460884094,
                                    "z": 0.49198642373085
                                "scale": {
                                    "x": 1.0,
                                    "y": 1.0,
                                    "z": 1.0
                        "tags": [
                    "wheels": [
                            "id": 0,
                            "pose": {
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": -1.0,
                                    "x": -2.42143833872888e-08,
                                    "y": -4.05416322735164e-08,
                                    "z": -2.23517382380578e-08
                                "position": {
                                    "x": 0.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                            "speed": 35.477783203125
                            "id": 1,
                            "pose": {
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": -0.42500364780426,
                                    "x": -0.062142189592123,
                                    "y": -0.902581810951233,
                                    "z": 0.0292612351477146
                                "position": {
                                    "x": 0.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                            "speed": 38.278190612793
                            "id": 2,
                            "pose": {
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": -0.208940535783768,
                                    "x": -0.0615476667881012,
                                    "y": -0.975900650024414,
                                    "z": 0.0131773687899113
                                "position": {
                                    "x": 0.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                            "speed": 35.0245780944824
                            "id": 3,
                            "pose": {
                                "orientation": {
                                    "w": -0.468537330627441,
                                    "x": 0.0,
                                    "y": -0.883443713188171,
                                    "z": -8.88178419700125e-16
                                "position": {
                                    "x": 0.0,
                                    "y": 0.0,
                                    "z": 0.0
                            "speed": 37.7250938415527
        "game_time": 1.01402580738068,
        "sample_count": 1,
        "time": 1593614676
  • frame: An array of all actors' state information for a single simulation step
  • objects An array of object actors' in the scene
  • name: The name of the actor in the scene
  • odometry
    • angular_velocity: The angular velocity of the actor in radians/second
    • linear_velocity: The linear velocity of the actor in centimeter/second
    • pose: Determines the position and orientation of the actor
      • orientation: The rotation of the actor as a quaternion
      • position: The position of this actor in the scene in centimeters relative to the origin
  • oriented_bounding_box: The bounding box of the actor in the scene
    • center: The location of the center of the box in centimeters relative to the origin
    • extents: The extents of the box from the center in centimeters
    • name: The name of the object this box is bounding
    • orientation: The rotation of the box as a quaternion
    • scale: The scale of this box as a coefficient
  • tags: The actor tags of this actor
  • vehicles An array of vehicle actors' in the scene
  • control_state
    • lane_change_left: The vehicle is considered to be in a left lane change.
    • lane_change_right: The vehicle is considered to be in a right lane change.
    • lane_id: The opendrive lane id, changes to new lane id as soon as the vehicle begins the lane change.
    • road_id: The opendrive road id.
    • s: The opendrive distance along the road.
    • section_id: The opendrive section id along the lane.
  • state
    • name: The name of the actor in the scene
    • odometry
      • angular_velocity: The angular velocity of the actor in radians/second
      • linear_velocity: The linear velocity of the actor in centimeter/second
      • pose: Determines the position and orientation of the vehicle actor
        • orientation: The rotation of the actor as a quaternion
        • position: The position of this actor in the scene in centimeters relative to the origin
    • oriented_bounding_box: The bounding box of the actor in the scene
      • center: The location of the center of the box in centimeters relative to the origin
      • extents: The extents of the box in centimeters
      • name: The name of the object this box is bounding
      • orientation: The rotation of the box as a quaternion
      • scale: The scale of this box as a coefficient
    • tags: The actor tags of this actor
    • wheels: Array of orientation information for each wheel as quaternions.
      • id:
      • pose: Determines the position and orientation of the wheel actor
        • orientation: The rotation of the wheels as a quaternion
        • position: The position of the wheels in the scene in centimeters relative to the origin
      • speed: The angular velocity of each of this actor's wheels in radians/second. Index 0, 1, 2, 3 correspond to front-left, front-right, rear-left, rear-right respectively
  • game_time Time since the simulation started
  • sample_count Sample number since the sensor started streaming
  • time The time in UTC seconds when this sample was acquired