Multi viewport

For many high performance use cases, TCP is simply not fast enough to stream the large amount of camera data we are simulating in real time. As a better performance alternative, monoDrive supports streaming camera data directly from the GPU over display output.

The user can configure a viewport on any standard, fisheye, or 360 camera. This will open an additional window on the simulation machine to directly display the stream of camera data.


Configure a camera with a viewport:

  "type": "Camera",
  "listen_port": 8010,
  "location": {
    "x": 0.0,
    "y": 0.0,
    "z": 250.0
  "rotation": {
    "pitch": 0.0,
    "roll": 0.0,
    "yaw": 0.0
  "stream_dimensions": {
    "x": 512,
    "y": 512
  "annotation": {
    "cull_partial_frame": false,
    "cull_partial_frame_min": 1.0,
    "debug_draw": false,
    "desired_tags": [
      "traffic_sign", "vehicle"
    "far_plane": 10000.0,
    "include_annotation": false,
    "include_lanes": true,
    "include_obb": false,
    "include_tags": true,
    "lane_sampling_distance": 10000.0,
    "lane_sampling_frequency": 100.0,
    "lane_subsampling": 10.0
  "camera_matrix": [
    [443.0, 0.0, 256.0],
    [0.0, 443.0, 256.0],
    [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
  "channel_depth": 1,
  "channels": "bgra",
  "color_filter_array": {
    "cfa": "rccc",
    "use_cfa": false
  "dynamic_range": 1.0,
  "exposure_compensation": -1.0,
  "fov": 60.0,
  "image_noise_bias": 0.0,
  "min_shutter": 0.0005000000237487257,
  "max_shutter": 0.00139999995008111,
  "motion_blur_bias": 0.10000000149011612,
  "white_balance": 0.0,
  "white_balance_temp_offset": 0.0,
  "ray_tracing": {
    "enable_ray_tracing": false
  "viewport": {
    "enable_hud": false,
    "enable_viewport": false,
    "fullscreen": false,
    "hud_class_path": "WidgetBlueprint'/Game/HUD/VehicleHUD.VehicleHUD_C'",
    "monitor_name": "",
    "monitor_number": 0,
    "window_offset": {
      "x": 32,
      "y": 32
    "window_size": {
      "x": 0,
      "y": 0
  • enable_streaming: Should usually be set to false to disable TCP streaming for performance. This can be left on if TCP streaming is also desired.
  • stream_dimensions: The size of the image in pixels.
    • x: The width of the image in pixels.
    • y: The height of the image in pixels.
  • viewport: Viewport configuration.
    • enable_viewport: If true, will enable camera viewport.
    • enable_hud: If true, will enable HUD (Heads Up Display).
    • hud_class_path: Path to HUD Blueprint.
    • monitor_name: If specified, will position viewport on specific monitor by name.
    • monitor_number: If specified, will position viewport on specific monitor by index. Note that if monitor_name. is also specified, this index will be within the matching group of monitors.
    • fullscreen: If true, the camera viewport will be set to borderless fullscreen.
    • window_offset: The viewport window offset from top-left of monitor. This only applies if fullscreen is false.
      • x: The window offset in x.
      • y: The window offset in y. -window_size:
      • x: The window offset in x.
      • y: The window offset in y.
